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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Meow Wolf Fig Sloth plush toy


At Meow Wolf Convergence Station in Denver, Colorado there is a sloth named fig. I was tasked with turning the large installation sculpture into a plush that you could wear on your shoulder.

Fig Sloth at Convergence Station


The Meow Wolf product team sent me lots of reference photos and I worked up my own sketch of what the plush version would look like. The desired feeatures were hands and feet with velcro so they could stick to each other and a magnet in the bottom with a special leaf that could make Fig stay on your shoulder.


Final prototype

Meow Wolf provided the fabric design that I then had printed through spoonflower on their minky fabric. With the magnets, I added a interior fabric pocket so that magnet stays where it's supposed instead of getting lost in the interior stuffing of the plush. That way when you place Fig on your shoulder and the leaf inside your shirt they stick and stay.


Magnets are always fun because Fig can also stick to any metal surface!


The velcro on the hands and feet lets Fig wrap around places like chairs.

Final factory version of Fig.

Fig Sloth is available in the Meow Wolf Store.

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