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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Pink Knit Baby Blanket

I've had a little bit of extra time lately, so I've been able to do some knitting which is both relaxing and fun for me.

  My local library has a magazine exchange and my mom picked up the Winter 2007/2008 issue of Vogue Knitting. Most of the projects were much more involved than I was ready to commit to, but there was a section on lace knitting.  From the article by Shirley Paden, I used the Fan and Feather lace pattern to make a baby blanket.

Blanket dimensions: 28 in. wide by 32 in. long

I continue to have yarn donated to me, so I went through my stash for this project. I had a bunch of skeins of pink wool from my mother-in-law so that formed the base, then I found a yellow and blue wool with a similar weight to mix it up a little bit. I like how the color change really emphasizes the scallop shape.