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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Halloween 2016: Twin Peaks Log Lady & Log costume

When my daughter, Suzanne was a couple months old I started thinking about costumes for Halloween. At that time she didn't crawl yet, so bundling her up as a log seemed to make sense. I'm a huge Twin Peaks fan so the dressing up as the Log Lady and her log was an exciting premise. 

By the time Halloween rolled around this year she was crawling so I realized I couldn't just wrap her in wood grain fabric, I would have to make something she could move around in.

For the Log Lady, I didn't custom make anything, I just found the items at a thrift store. I thought I would have an easier time finding her signature large red glasses because they are back in style now but I had to make do with just some big glasses.

 To make the log, I started with Simplicity pattern 5049 because that's what I had around that was close enough to Suzanne's size. The pattern is from 1972, so I took the intense flare out of the pant legs.

For the hat, I used an existing hat that fit her as a template to create the interior shape. Then I built up the exterior log shape on the outside of that.  It was a little tricky getting the log to look right, I had to add an extra piece in the center to make it look like a log. The log print fabric (Woodgrain Bark by Joel Dewberry) really makes it. I ran out of time to wearing her first crazy Halloween costume.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm I’m going as the log lady this year and making my 6month old son go as my log! Also I love I found this when searching for log lady! Figures we would both make super awesome log ladies! Hope you’re doing well!!
