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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Cyberteens in Love

I have warm feelings of nostalgia for the movie Hackers, even though I know it's not that great of a movie. It shows a world where hackers are cool teens who wear crazy outfits, spraypaint their computers and rollerblade through New York. I love how it tries to make hacking and the '90s internet look more interesting and interactive than it was.

I found out about a movie called Cyberteens in Love recently, but I haven't found much more than this clip. The clip does have superimposed over it. I checked out the site and they don't mention anything about Cyberteens in Love.  The IMDB has just the basic information plus a terrible review. Well I love terrible movies and I love dated projections of the future so I really want to find this movie.

If anyone knows about this movie and a way to find a copy, please let me know!


  1. I read an interview with Justine Priestly years ago and she talked about this movie, including a very uncomfortable scene where she was just wearing a g-string, and I'd love to see it too.

    The clip looks like something you'd see on TVO or the CBC in the mid- to late 80s and early 90's.

    1. Awhile back I even wrote a physical letter to the broadcast company but didn't hear back...I hope someone has it taped off TV on a VHS somewhere.

    2. It isn't available on any streaming service. There isn't even a poor quality rip on YouTube or an overpriced DVD or VHS for sale on Amazon or EBay.
